You can win one of a kind handmade Elf’s journal covered with own handmade paper with real plants, leafs and flowers. The inside pages are made from 100% recycled sheets.
Size: 2 / 1,5 inches
Можете да спечелите единствено по рода си мини тефтерче-изцяло ръчна изработка с корица от собствена ръчна хартия с истински растения и страници от рециклирана хартия.
Размер: 5/ 4,2 см.
This giveaway start on Thursday august 17 and ends Wednesday august 24. Winner will be announced Thursday august 25, 2011.
Този Giveaway стартира на 17 Август- наградата ще бъде изтеглена чрез генератор за произволни числа на 24 Август и обявена на 25 Август.

1 visit my shop and tell me what you like the most (1 entry).
2 Become a follower of our Blog and write in a comment that you did
(1 entry)
- On the left, you can see button Join this site and from there you can start following us, either publicly or privetly.
3 Promote this giveaway via Twitter or Facebook and leave the link here (1 entry)
4 Become our Facebook fan (1 entry)
You can do all of them or just one. Each of this steps gives you an extra entry. This means that if you do all four, you can leave four comments and you have a chance of winning with each one of them.
Какво трябва да направите за да участвате :
1-посетете моето магазинче в Етси и напишете какво харесвате най-много.
2-станете последовател на нашия блог.
3-Популяризирайте този Giveaway в Twitter или Facebook и оставете линк в коментара си.
4- станете последовател на страницата ни във Facebook.
Всяко едно от тези условия ви носи по едно участие за наградата. Това означава че за всяко изпълнено условие трябва да оставите по един коментар и това увеличава четирикратно шанса ви да спечелите.
Don't forget to leave one comment for each entry and an e-mail address so we can contact you in case you are the lucky winner. The winner will be chosen randomly using Random.com. Each comment equals one entry. Write your e-mail address in this way:
name(at)mail(dot)com so you do not get spam in your mail.
Good Luck :)
Не забравяйте да оставите коментар за всяко ваше участие както и e-mail за да можем да се свървем с вас ако сте щастливия победител. Напишете вашият e-mail по този начин за да избегнете евентуален спам в пощата си:
Успех :)
I love every single item in your magical shop. The Notebook "Walk in the wood" is so beautiful.......
I promoted the giveaway in my facebook fan page here
I'm really impresed! Wonderful work!
All your items are awesome!My favorite is "Morning in my garden Journal''!Great work!
My favorite is all ....! :)
I just visited your shop and I love your buddha etching, gorgeous. Please enter me for this lovely , little book.
I am a follower. Please enter me for this adorable journal.
I am also putting a blog button on my sidebar under Giveaways, I don't know if that counts as an entry but I like to promote blog Giveaways.
I visited your wonderful shop, i love the Wall Journal "Take the forest at home", it's wonderful.
Halochanel at gmail dot com
Following your blog with gfc
Halochanel at gmail dot com
I shared your giveaway on twitter @WrightWin
Halochanel at gmail dot com
New Facebook fan (Kimberly Fine Wright)
halochanel at gmail dot com
i LOVE the Movie journal!
I love every1:)
Турнах линк в профила си в лицевата книга.
I follow your blog. :)
<3 Ashlynn.
Love this journal!
<3 Ashlynn.
I liked the team on Facebook as Ashlynn S.
<3 Ashlynn.
Lovely journals! My favorite ~ http://www.etsy.com/listing/78609751/mini-handmade-journal-handmade-paper
This is my favorite from your shop:
Love your work!!
following your blog & liked your facebook page.
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